Monday, 23 February 2009

The long wait……

Growing up in the fifties with four brothers and sisters and a single wage earner meant that money was pretty tight. And with credit cards being virtually unknown back then, wishes weren’t as readily met as they are today. In fact, we got “stuff” exactly three times a year: new clothes for school in September; toys on our birthdays; big ticket items like toboggans, wagons and bicycles at Christmas.

vintage_stingray_bikeAnd we were fine with that, except it sometimes meant a long wait for the 10’ of snow on the ground to melt before you could take your Christmas present out for a ride. So then you’d spend the next 4 months sitting on your bicycle in the shed out back, checking every fifteen minutes to see if any more snow had melted since the last time you looked.

Fast forward 50 years.

I’ve just put my new Tallboy seat on the Dyna and can’t wait to see if it feels as good after a couple of hours in the saddle as it does right now, sitting on it in the garage, looking out the window and wondering how long it will take for the snow to melt.

Nothing ever changes.


  1. I hear ya, and I feel yer pain Brother!

    I like the bicycle you chose. Banana seat, sissy bar, apes, and bobber fenders. Cool.

  2. Exactly the same situation here.
    Grew up in Montreal, so I can relate exactly to what you're saying, lived in the Far East for 14 years, then moved back to Vancouver and this year we've had a lot of snow out here...can't wait for riding season to start..tired of sitting on my bike in the garage

  3. Mr. M, Baron's Life: Thanks for the comments. Seems to be a pretty common complaint as February rolls around and everyone is itching to put winter behind us (except for my skiing buddies who are already starting to suffer withdrawal. Go figure!)

    BL: Where in the Far East? Just curious.

  4. Canajun
    Singapore, China and Korea


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