Sunday, 27 May 2012

UPDATED: Update on Japanese Harley

So it seems this motorcycle isn’t going to be returned to its Japanese owner after all.  According to this story (link) the owner wants the bike to be displayed at the H-D Museum as a tribute to those who lost so much during the tsunami that hit Japan last year.
"I would be delighted if it could be preserved in its current condition and exhibited to the many visitors to the Harley-Davidson Museum as a memorial to a tragedy that claimed thousands of lives," Yokoyama said.
A classy move.
Japanese Harley 2(Photo: The Sunday Province)


  1. Classy move indeed, and nice of HD to work with that. Very touching, and a remarkable story.

  2. I agree. Very classy. I do hope those two gentleman get the chance to meet one day.

  3. As everyone else has said, a really gracious and classy move. Well done that man.

  4. That is a very neat story. I had not heard about the bike. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Dear Canajun:

    It was a real classy move by all concerned... Both the gesture from Harley, and the response by the bike's owner. I am amazed how something as heavy as a Harley could tumble along the bottom of the ocean, between continents.

    Fondest regards,
    Twisted Roads

  6. Jack, in this case it had some help. He was using an insulated storage container as a garage and the whole thing was swept away. It seems there was enough foam insulation in the container that it actually floated its way across. Still a remarkable story though.

  7. Dear Canajun:

    Aaaaaaah... Now I understand.

    Fondest regards,
    Jack/Twisted Roads


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