Saturday, 1 September 2012

The 7 AM challenge

Martha, over at Living Among Tourists, posed a challenge: “Show your town, or your sky, your 7 o'clock in the morning wherever you are.” Aside from the obvious challenge of having to drag one’s ass out of a warm bed on a Saturday morning (of a long weekend no less), finding a suitable subject (or subjects) and fiddling with a camera while still half asleep took some effort. But I did manage to get a couple of photos to share.
DSC_7652 for webThis is the view from my home office as the sun just starts to hit the treetops behind the house.
DSC_7655 for webThen I went around to the front of the house just in time to catch the full moon before it slipped behind the trees on the other side of the lake.
DSC_7659 for webAnd a last shot, just for Bob.


  1. Thanks for that effort on a weekend!

    Great photos, love the warmth of the first photo and one of my favorite sights ever is seeing the moon in daytime. Excellent! Thanks for sharing your part of the world!

    Good morning!

  2. Hooray for sunshine first thing in the morning.

    Don't you just love waking up to that?

    1. I do, but I'd be a lot happier if it was June 1 rather than September 1. :-)

  3. Bravo for getting up to snap a photo on a holiday weekend. I'm with you, I think it would be better if it was June 1 (last June 1, so as not to get a moment older any faster than necessary right?) I'd relive this summer in a heartbeat though I know you might not wish too with the woes you've had. Hope to connect in Delta.

    1. Karen - So would I, it was a great summer up until July 24, and there's still ;ots left.

  4. I assume that last pic was taken as you were dozing off again at 7:05AM? I was on my "two wheels", on a nice half hour ride to the golf course; it was a beautiful morning. Nice pics!

    1. Sure, rub it in. If you're going to be like that I'll hide the good scotch until after Thanksgiving. :)

  5. Dear Canajun:

    Why do you encourage BobSkoot in this foot fetish thing?

    He probably printed that last shot out and hung it in his garage.

    Fondest regards,
    Twisted Roads

    1. Jack - I think that might be a little too wierd for words. LOL.

  6. well the trouble was worth, don't you agree? Lovely pics...oh, and good work for mentioning the full moon, I'd have missed it.


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