Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Fall Colours

Nature gives to every time and season some beauties of its own.” Charles Dickens
The days are getting noticeably shorter and overnight temperatures flirt with the freezing point, causing gardeners to worry about their tomato plants and we northern motorcyclists to lament the closing days of the riding season. But every so often a spectacular fall day makes us realise how beautiful this time of year can be.
Yesterday was just such a day. I had some errands to run but the morning dawned damp and gray. However the weather forecast called for a sunny afternoon so I waited and was rewarded by the sun breaking out and the temperature rising into the mid-teens (60’ish F) by lunch time. 
While my actual errands only took a few minutes, going the long way round gave me a nice 3-hour ride, some of which I’ve distilled into this 90-second video to share the beauty of Mother Nature in all her fall finery, just before she goes to bed for her long winter’s nap.


  1. Love the colors. We don't get those here in North Texas.

    1. And they were especially brilliant this year, simply beautiful.

  2. hey , nice video- of course, fall colors are followed by winter white- sooner for you up in the Great White North

    1. No Name - Sad, but true. That's why we stretch it out as long as we can.

  3. Canajun:

    I like the Reds, we don't get them here. Our trees are still green then during the winter they look dirty grey. You are wise to enjoy your riding time while you can

    Riding the Wet Coast
    My Flickr // My YouTube

    1. Thanks Bob. Snow will be here soon enough.

  4. Thanks for sharing your colours. I was worried that the hot dry summer would ruin the show, but all of a sudden things have started to explode ... and the colours are, as usual, spectacular in Eastern Ontario.

    1. Karen - We were worried too, but this is one of the best years I can recall for fall colours.


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