Saturday, 9 August 2014

Your mission,

should you choose to accept it… Actually there wasn’t a lot of “choosing” involved. The missus was away this weekend at a sister’s retreat and so wasn’t able to attend the Carp Fair’s annual Garlic Festival. My honey-do orders for Saturday were to go for a ride and come home with sufficient garlic to, augmenting what we have in our garden, get us a good way through the winter.

It was a beautiful day and I took the back roads where, even though it’s a long way from Oklahoma, “the corn is as high as an elephant’s eye”. Which made me wonder if an elephant’s eye really is 8 or 9 feet high. And another thing I just found out is that, at least in some parts of Europe, corn is a generic term for grain crops. So when a European refers to “corn”, it could be wheat, or rye in the fields. Perhaps European elephants are smaller, or have shorter legs.


These were the thoughts that kept me occupied/amused as I headed to the fair. That and avoiding the potholes still not patched after the winter did its usual road damage. One that I did miss, hidden in the shadows of a large tree, was deep and sharp enough that I consider myself lucky not to have flattened my front tire. After that I paid more attention and made it to the fair without further incident.

I parked in a no parking zone (pretty lax parking controls on fair days as long as you don’t block a driveway) and went garlic hunting. IMG_20140809_101403723First I had to try the different varieties available. (I had orders for a specific type, but wanted to buy a few each of some different varieties just to try for a change.)

After much sampling (and heavy with garlic breath – phew) I made my purchases. I added a few ears of corn for dinner tonight, and I was done.
Mission accomplished.


On the way home I came across the ultimate example of that much joked about Canadian penchant for politeness. I stopped at the Dairy Queen in Arnprior for an ice cream. It seems they had a problem with people stealing the decorative pebbles beside the patio (Why?). Instead of posting “Beware of Dog”, or “We shoot to kill” posters the owner took a most Canadian approach and asked nicely. And apparently it’s working. Go figure.


All in all a great day, a nice ride, and I’ll be free from vampires for a few more hours yet.


  1. I never knew there were different types garlic. I thought it was pretty much one kind. Like the 'Canadian' sign. I planted garlic once and it took over the garden.

    1. Dar - I used to think the same, but it's actually quite amazing the number of varieties, and the difference in taste between them.

  2. I Did know just a bit about garlic varieties but had No idea that "corn" would be a generic name for what we consider normal field crops.

    The stones look attractive there beneath that red wall though I in no way feel the need to grab one. That sign is more than powerful enough to keep me honest.

    1. Coop - I was watching a European movie and the hero was standing in a field of what looked like rye, but referred to it as corn. The spousal unit (who is European born) explained it to me. Never to old to learn something new.

    2. I herewith confirm that Germans will refer to Kornfeld (corn field) to any crops that carry grains. Not sure about the elephants though, I have yet to spot one.

    3. Sonja - The smaller European elephant can be hard to spot, even in a field a grain. Keep watching.

  3. Canajun - I've learned two things today (thanks) but can't imagine, though I love garlic, tasting several and being able to tell the difference after the first bite. Must have been a good year for corn all around!

    1. VSL - I was surprised at how different the flavours were - and even after a few I could still differentiate. Whether they retain their differences when cooked is yet to be seen.

  4. Canajun:

    I love Garlic. I'm wondering how you use your Garlic. I like corn too. Saw lots of corn in Indiana. I thought Nebraska was the corn state

    bob: riding the wet coast

    1. Bob - Garlic goes in soups, salads, hot pepper jellies, chile, spaghetti sauce, pretty much anything. Not sure which is the corn state, although Mitchell SD does have the Corn Palace.

  5. Mmmm garlic - the other white meat.

    I use a lot of garlic in everything, maybe that is why we don't get sick. A recipe calls for 1 or 2 cloves and I'll put in at least 6-8. That is normal right?

    1. Trobairitz - Sounds about right to me. :)

    2. No such thing as too much garlic Brandy!

  6. A new excuse to go for a ride..."Honey, I'm going out on a garlic run! Be back soon!"

    Isn't Iowa the "Corn State"? Dunno.

    Fun post! Glad you got the garlic you sought! :=)

  7. Thanks Deb. Sorry it took a while to get this comment posted - got hung up in the spam filter and I only caught it today.


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