Saturday, 13 June 2015

Problems do not exist in isolation

There are many ‘laws’ that affect  our daily lives. Some, such as the earth circling the sun, are immutable laws of nature. Others are simply truisms, or maxims, like Murphy’s Law. Now I believe I have discovered another: Problems do not exist in isolation; when one is solved another immediately presents itself to fill the void. Perhaps I’ll call it Dave’s Law.

Original problem: GoPro camera running out of juice, resulting in lost video opportunities.
Original solution: With a hat tip to Richard for the idea, install a USB power supply and plug the camera in to that. Worked great! Except…

Next problem: With the GoPro camera on an unlimited power supply, the remote control ran out of juice, resulting in lost video opportunities.

Next solution: Get a USB splitter cable and plug the remote into one of the outlets and the camera into the other. Now I have unlimited power to both and no more dead batteries.

Today's problem: With unlimited power to the camera and remote I can now video to my heart’s content. Until, that is, the SD card fills up, ersulting in lost video opportuinities.

Today’s solution: Get a larger SD card.

Tomorrow’s problem: Who knows, but you can be sure there will be something. Dave’s Law says so.


  1. I always have to be carefu what I video. It always looks better in real life than on the GoPro. I also have the remote plugged in to the USB charging port. For my upcoming trip I have plenty of ports. Two on the bike and up to four on the sidecar.

    1. Wow. And I thought 1 port was a big deal. :)

    2. Since I'm not planning to stay at motels on my upcoming trip, I want to be able to keep everything charged up off of the bike. GoPro stuff, phone, tablet, Sena, dslr, laptop, etc. lots of stuff. Fortunately, the Ural alternator puts out something like 55 amps.

  2. I find that the videography puts one under pressure of delivering awesome shots all the time. It doesn't mean that I don't like the gopro results others present, and I admire the time and creativity that the filmmakers put into it.

    However, I myself rather prefer stopping every once in a while, and take a picture the old fashioned way on the roadside... with a camera or in lack of that my iphone ;-)

    1. I don't worry about it all that much, and perhaps my videos show it. But for some reason I find it difficult to actually stop at the side of the road to take a photo I like. Don't know why. Seems like once I'm rolling I want to keep going. A character flaw to work on I expect.

  3. Oh, I can so relate to Daves Law! Happens all the time. I used to swear under my breath when that happened. Now I'll just think of you Dave. Lol.

    1. Now you at least have a name for it. :)

  4. There is always something isn't there? If you didn't have all these issues to resolve what would you do with all your time?

    1. Trobairitz - You haven't seen my job jar. :(

  5. Dave, you won't have any more problems as the other rule of thumb is they always come in threes ... and you've just had your three. Happy gro proing.

  6. And on and on and on....!


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