Friday, 23 October 2015

Country living – the dump.

Country living has a lot going for it – the solitude, the beauty of raw nature, fishing off the dock, and the dump.

Not all dumps are treasure troves like this one:

Sometimes they are small town entertainment like the one where we used to go to shoot the rats and feed the bears.bear_02But, more recently, with the renew, reuse, recycle mantra in full swing they have become something more.

One of Jeff Foxworthy’s clues to the fact you might be a redneck is “If you come home from the dump with more than you left with.” Well, by that definition, your honour, I have to plead guilty, but with an explanation.

Faced with an instant lawn weed field after a major storm transformed our beautiful forest into so much kindling wood by a so-called macro-burst 3 years ago, I needed to find a way to tame it somehow. A scythe did the job for a while but I was keeping my eyes open for some machinery to make the job a bit easier.

Then one day I saw an old mower on the metal recycling heap at the dump. I went and checked it out. It didn’t run but it turned over okay and the compression seemed decent. The housing was cracked and a couple of wheels were broken but otherwise I thought it might do the job. So home it came with me.

The missus just rolled her eyes (a pretty common occurrence around here on dump day), but I cleaned it up, put in fresh gas, and it fired up on the 3rd pull. I replaced the broken wheels with 2 spare wheels I had in stock (found earlier, also at the dump) and I now have a working lawn mower to keep the weed field at bay. IMG_20150830_172802136Doesn’t get much better than free. Thanks Bill Mulvihill, whoever you are!


  1. Around here, the days of the open "dump" of yesteryear are long gone. Replaced by large containers for garbage, recycling, a brush pile, and a roll off container for metal items. Sadly there have been days when I came home with more than I left with. I found several sheets of galvanized roof tin.. perfect for covering my wood piles. It was a good day!

    1. Erik - That's coming here too. Fortunately we still have access to the metal pile and the electronics recycling bin, so lots of good picking still remains. For now.

  2. We have these "transfer sites" similar to what Erik described. But they have a covered area to put things that you think someone else could use. The place has become a zoo with some folks leaving with ca and truck loads of junk.

    1. Richard - There's always the folks that use these recycle spots as source material to sell at flea markets, etc. Fortunately we don't see too many of those around here.

  3. Good find.

    I remember my mom finding furniture at the dump one time when we were kids.

    Here near Corvallis the dump is as Erik describes and once dumped items are never to be discovered again. I don't even think they have a "someone might use it pile" at ours.

    1. Too bad. We can make fun of it all, but it is a good way to reuse/recycle.


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