Monday, 19 September 2016

Motorcycle math

We’ve all seen variations of this meme:

Motorcycle math

Well, in keeping with the theme of today’s post, N will soon equal N + 1 as I am about to acquire yet another project bike (imagine the missus’ eyes rolling here). This time it’s not an orphaned mid-60s Honda to keep company with the ones I already have, but rather a relatively (with an emphasis on relatively) new mid-80s Kawasaki 440LTD.

Relegated to the back of the garage by the current owner, the bike comes into my possession as a result of a casual comment on the golf course, “It’s yours if you want it.” How could anyone who considers himself a biker ever say no to that?

And so tomorrow I will be in a rental truck heading down Highway 401 to Kitchener to pick up another stray needing some TLC and a home for the winter. It’s a disease for which there is no known cure. 


  1. And with a little luck, no one will have the desire, drive, or inclination to find that cure.

    1. David - I can think of one person who might like to. :)

  2. Nice! I wouldn't pass it up either!

    1. Dar - Sometimes you just have to jump on it.

  3. Beautiful! Good to see that you will be helping someone to have more usable space in their garage. Clearly you are a helpful person: a philanthropist! :-)

    1. Pat - Never thought of it that way. I wonder if the philanthropy argument will hold water with she of the rolling eyes?

  4. Cool. Congrats. I am looking forward to seeing some pics.

  5. You had to take it for sure, no question there. If you have space they will come ... But I couldn't help thinking whoa; he came all the way from Kitchener just to play a game of golf?

    1. LOL. Actually I was playing golf in Kitchener - along with some other family stuff.


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