Friday, 19 April 2019

Starting to itch

Here we are again, in April. Finally, after a long winter, we’re starting to see some relief from the cold. The snow is mostly gone and the sun’s heat warms the soul. But there’s still enough frost in the ground that paved roads are randomly buckled and pot-holed and gravel roads turn into a kind of gumbo that sticks to every exposed surface like cement. Frequent rains, sometimes torrential, swell the creeks and rivers to overflowing, but haven’t yet washed enough sand, salt, and other debris off the roads to make two-wheeled travel any less exciting. And periods of below freezing temperatures and multi-centimetre snowfalls can still surprise at any time. In short, April’s capricious weather can drive one to drink, sometimes making it seem the longest month of the year.

Yet some are riding, mostly city folk who venture out on the four-lane and back again, but not many. The rest are using the time to get their bike(s) ready for a new season, changing oil, charging batteries, checking everything twice. And then it’s a matter of wait, wait, wait, until the rains stop and the roads clear up. And try to ignore the itch.


  1. The perks of living in a milder climate (or climate change?)... motorcycles have been on the road since February in our neck of the woods.

    1. Although I have ridden in February (when I was much younger and invincible) I don’t expect I’ll be doing so ever again, climate change or not. Unless we move or head south for the winter.

  2. There may be much truth in your statement "we’re staring to see some relief" (read it carefully). :-)

    1. Ha! One of those Freudian things I guess. Fixed.

    2. Dave: you are not the world's best proofreader. :-) Read your edit again. :-) :-)

  3. I am looking forward to the first vintage bike event next weekend.


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