Friday, 5 January 2018

Happy New Year. Really?

Right now the wind is howling outside my window as the temperature is in a downward plummet to something like -30C again tonight. (-40C or colder with the wind chill).

Jan 5 weather

Day 4 into a head cold, a box of tissues is my constant companion. Anti-histamines have become a basic food group. Nothing works.

Between naps/periods of unconsciousness I tried to do some work in the shop, only to run out of material part way through repainting the Kawasaki gas tank. I don’t have the energy to drive into town to get another can so it will have to wait.

And we’re only 5 days into the new year. It just has to get better, doesn’t it?


  1. Mark my words, when the temps rise just over freezing you'll see some knuckleheads running around in shorts and t-shirts.

  2. We have the same temperatures (-21°C) but our weather forecast says "clear and sunny". I guess it depends on your perspective. Next week it's supposed to get a lot colder. So, Happy New Year!

    1. We’re supposed to be coming out of the deep freeze next week. We’ll see.

  3. Dave, if you have Netflix, watch a film called The will help.

  4. The good news is that your year can only get better.

    I've been in Montreal in January at -40 and it wasn't fun so I empathize with your cold Ontario temps.

    Feel better soon.

    1. Hopefully I'll be up and about by the time the weather improves. Next week they say.

  5. Way too cold to do anything anyway. Better off to snuggle under a warm blanket by the fire and sleep until the temperature rises. Get well.

    1. That's true, but I still feel like a lump. I hate being inactive, even if it's face-freezing cold out.

  6. The kind of temperatures I used to hate back when living in Calgary... Our temperatures in the Black Forest have been unusually mild, with +7°C yesterday. Instead of snow, lots of rain.

    Take care and be better soon, David.

    1. Thanks Sonja. I usually don’t mind some cold - rather it than rain - but this has been persistent for a couple of weeks now and getting pretty tiresome.


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