Sunday 6 September 2009

Small town attractions

After a summer that can best be described as “shitty”, September burst upon us with spectacular weather  - mid- to low-70s during the day, clear skies, no wind. In other words the weather we’ve been waiting for since May, perfect for riding… and golf. Which causes a bit of a dilemma, but I deal with it by hitting the links in the morning and the back roads in the afternoon.
Today was no different. After golfing this morning I had to make a trip into the city. And since I was in no rush I decided to go the long way, or at least one of the long ways, which would take me through the hamlet of Galetta (about 20 miles in the opposite direction).
Now I’ve passed through Galetta on numerous occasions but for some reason I had never noticed this before. Right on the main street, some guy built a replica of the CN Tower to use as a flagpole, complete with observation deck. It is kind of interesting, and quite well done as these things go, but you really have to wonder why, of all the things he could make, did he choose to model Toronto’s CN Tower?
CN Tower in Galetta                CN Tower


  1. pretty interesting tower. glad to hear your weather is perfect :) such dilemmas (golf or riding) are such a joy!!

  2. Great news on the weather - enjoy!

    I may go to the observation area in the Tower in Galeta, but I fear the Toronto version!

  3. Hey who am I to argue...enjoy the weather....
    What no ice cream this time? I also wonder why this fellow put up the CN tower replica in his yard..didn't know you were a golfer.

  4. There are worse things he could have made a replica of. I kind of like it.

  5. Ms. M. - such are the things of which summers are made.

    Lance - he even has a little ladder going up the outside... just for you!

    Baron - Actually did stop for an ice cream on the way home. Let a little kid sit on the bike (with his parent's permission)and got a great big grin in payment. As for golf, what I lack in talent I make up for in enthusiasm.

    Danny - You're right. Odd as they are, these things are part of what makes the world go round. Perhaps I should do a series - there are lots of them around these parts.

  6. Your delima is a great one. One that I'm enjoying myself here in the Midsouth. Wonder if the guy is an engineer? They are a quirky bunch. Whats funny is that you finally noticed it, wonder how long its been there.

  7. Crash - I wondered that myself, but looking at the wear and tear in the paint it's been a good few years I'd say. Funny how we can miss things right in front of our eyes some times. And if you're a golfer, you'll know just what I mean. How many times have you walked right over a bright, white golf ball on a dark green fairway and not even seen it?

  8. Having just re-read my last comment I realized that's probably not a good thing to admit as a motorcyclist who depends on his powers of observation to notice, anticipate, and avoid dangerous situations.

  9. I love that Tower, thinking maybe I should do a mini BİG BEN outside my apartment ummmm...

    Glad to hear the weather has got better for you ;)

  10. I love that Tower, thinking maybe I should do a mini BİG BEN outside my apartment ummmm...

    Glad to hear the weather has got better for you ;)

  11. Linda - be sure to post a picture when you're done!

    Still haven't got that "anonymous" thing quite figured out yet, eh? LOL


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