Friday 12 July 2013

Some days are better than others

There’s an old golf joke that goes something like this:
“Why is it that some days you can lose 6 balls in the water, hit every tee shot either into the rough or the trees, shank your iron shots, pull your fairway woods, and 3-putt every green - and then other days you just suck?”
I was feeling a bit like that yesterday when I was riding. It just wasn’t coming together. The corners didn’t flow. Shifting wasn’t smooth. a_fish_needs_a_bicycleAnd stopping at a traffic light… well let’s just say I’m sure other drivers thought I had just got my license by mail-order that morning. In short, I felt as awkward as a fish on a bicycle.
It doesn’t happen often, but it’s not uncommon either. Why is that? What is it that periodically (and, fortunately, temporarily) causes our bodies and minds to seize up like a grease-starved wheel bearing? And then, a while later, and for no discernable reason, everything pops back to normal as if the reset button were pressed. I wish I knew.


  1. funny pic! it's times like these that i take as a sign and park the bike. ;)

  2. Who knows. The mind is a strange thing, did you have stress? Was work on your mind? Thinking about the next blog entry?

    1. Nope. Nope. And nope. But it could be related to stress levels I suppose.

  3. I think we've all had days like that. I remember one bad one on the TU when everything just seemed wrong, shifts weren't right. Gears going over the forestry roads wouldn't cooperate. Then another day it was perfect.

    Love the fish on a bike pic. Nice find.

  4. You've been hiding in the rough watching me golf, haven't you? LOL

    Yeah, I can relate to this "fish riding a bicycle" funk!

    1. I wasn't "hiding in the rough"; I was looking for my ball. :)

  5. My guess? We focus on the things that are chewing on our brains... instead of... Smelling the sweet scent of the rain on our visors, the glow of the sun behind the trees... the hum of our tires felt through the seat and the bars...

    the horizon floating on ahead of us...

    We allow the distractions of the struggle to live... to Distract us... from the LIFE we're sitting right in the middle of.

    ... Just Sayin'

    1. True. I'm sure it's a distraction of some sort but it's not always obvious just what it is. And it's not always easy just to clear the mind.

    2. haha... nope... if you ever DO figure out how to clear out those distractions at will, write a book and let us know! ;) Would be a best seller!

  6. Tired - When things start going that way I'd just say I was tired and it was time to stop!


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